
You will be able to see all of your friends including their stats and profiles. Due to privacy and GDPR issues, specific authorization will be required to allow Geocaching HQ to share this information with you. Please note that only your friends that have authorised the sharing of information will appear here.

Tapping the friend will take you to their profile page and you will be able to see their stats and caches on the same basis as your User Profile page.

Seeing All of your Friends

Cachly can show your friends, but there are a few things that need to be done by both you and your friends in order to allow them to show in all third-party partner apps of

This is a requirement that needs to be completed before you can see Friends and before your Friends will see you. You will need to visit the Authorizations section of the website and scroll down to the Authorized Developer Authorizations section. Once there you will need to check the “Allow Authorized Developer applications…” checkbox in order to enable Friends in mobile apps.

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